
Criteria to qualify for study: Drug used in study:
  • Received at least 1 prior line of therapy for AML or MDS; ECOG <2

HR 63

A Phase 1 Study of NKX101, an Activating Chimeric Receptor Natural Killer (ACRNK) Cell Therapy, in Subjects with Hematological Malignancies or Dysplasias.

  • MDS with 5-19% blasts, HMA refractory

MDS 31

A Phase 1/2 open-label study of the safety, tolerability and efficacy of the selective inhibitor of Nuclear Export (SINE) compound ELTANEXOR (kpt-8602) in patients with newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory cancer indications.

  • R/R AML or MDS with > 5% blasts in the marrow or any blasts in the peripheral blood: ECOG <2

AML 63

Phase 1b open-label, dose escalation and dose expansion study of APV0436 in patients with relapsed of refractory AML or high grade MDS

  • Not suitable for immediate myeloablative chemotherapy or transplant; ECOG

MDS 30

Single-arm, open-label, phase II study of MBG453 (sabatolimab) added to FDA approved hypomethylating agents of investigator’s choice (IV/SC/Oral) for patients with intermediate, high or very high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) as per IPSS-R criteria (US multi-center) (STIMULUS MDS-US)